Tuesday Yoga

There are spaces in the Tuesday yoga classes running from 7.30-9.00pm at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church. The venue is just a couple of minutes walk from Surbiton Station.

Drop in classes cost just £10, or if you would like to book a whole course check out the block booking discounts on my Classes page.

Hope to see you soon!

New Yoga Courses Starting

March-April 2019 courses on Mondays and Tuesdays starting week beginning 18th March. Book before Wednesday 13th for the early bird discounted fee of £35.00 for 5 weeks, or pay £10 weekly. Send me an email for more information, or contact me through the website!

Last 2018 Yoga Courses!

The last yoga courses of 2018 are starting up next week. Book the whole course for £40.00 or book before 7th November to get the course for the discounted price of £35.00. The course dates are:

Mondays: 12th, 19th, 26th November, 3rd and 10th December
Tuesdays: 13th, 20th, 27th November, 4th and 11th December

The next courses will start up on 7th and 8th January respectively. Please note that January courses book up fast, so I recommend booking for the New Year by the early bird deadline: 19th December to ensure your place. Get in touch for more information!


New Class starting up in January 2018!

New daytime gentle chair yoga classes will be starting up in the New Year. The classes will be running at Surbiton Hill Methodist Church, and will be particularly suitable for those who want a gentler class with props to support the body in standing poses. The classes will be an hour long, with 5-10 minutes breath work, 40 minutes of postures, and 10-15 minutes of relaxation/meditation.

Classes will be suitable for absolute beginners. Get in touch for more information!

Olivia Smithies – Yoga


Welcome to Olivia Smithies – Yoga!

Here you can find up to date information about all my upcoming and current classes with any set dates for the five week courses. Please get in touch (oliviasmithies@gmail.com) if you have any questions.

Have a lovely day and hope to see you at one of my classes soon!